
How Do I Enroll?

If you or someone you know has a problem with addiction and wants to change, there is hope.

Our program is truly a working program developed with a “community” approach. We have found that by simply providing experienced direction and implementing structured guidelines in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment, this allows us to assist those that had become forgotten or dismissed.

Participants must attend four Twelve Step oriented meetings, and participate in one hour of something spritually based each week. They must acquire a Twelve Step sponsor and ‘work the steps’. They will be required to adhere to a set of household rules, which include chores, curfews, mandatory house meetings and maintaining their living quarters. Clients will learn to be self-sufficient, which means they must be willing to seek employment.

Prospective residents must complete an application and agree to adhere to the client contract.  The appropriate forms can be downloaded by clicking the buttons below: